Thursday 12 December 2013


Assalamualaikum and very good morning guys.Today i will explain about MIPS R2000 and its function and process that occur.

Figure 1

  • MIPS or Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages is a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) instruction set architecture.
  • Figure 1 is the first model,R2000 was announced in 1985 had 32-bit purpose register.
  • MIPS processor compose of an integer processing unit (CPU) and collection of coprocessor that perform subsidiary tasks.

Now i will explain about the process occur ;

1)Memory Allocation

Figure 2
Figure 2 show memory allocation is the act of reserving a chunk of memory for some set of data.Memory contains bytes.Some of those bytes are instructions ,and some of those bytes are data.MIPS processors typically divide memory into three parts:

  • Text segment
  • Data segment
  • Stack segment

2)Data Alignment
Its value and the storage location(address).The address of a data can be evenly divisible by 1,2,4, or 8.In other words,data object can have 1 byte,2 byte,4 byte,8 byte alignment.

Figure 3:MIPS data sizes

The MIPS microprocessor contains 32 user accessible registers that are numbered as 0-31.
  • Register are 32 bits for MIPS.
  • Register $1,$26,$27,$29 are reserved for special purpose by the assembler,compiler and operating system.
  • Register $0 is hard wired to the value zero , and $31 is the link register for jump and link instructions but can be used with other instructions with caution.
Figure 4:MIPS register conventions

*** Coprocessor 0 contains exception control registers that handles exception.
SPIM doesn't implement all of the coprocessor 0's registers , since they are not much useful in a simulator or part of the memory system , which is not implemented. However, it does provide trap registers as show as below.

Figure 5:Trap register

Figure 6:Exception code register

That all for today,i will explain more details on post later.
Thank you.

<Mohamad Hazarul Hazrin>

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