Sunday 15 December 2013

microprocessor is an electronic component that is used by a computer to do its work. It is a central processing unit on a single integrated circuit chip containing millions of very small components including transistorsresistors, and diodes that work together. Microprocessors help to do everything from writing to searching the Web. Everything a computer does is described by lots of precise instructions, and microprocessors carry out these instructions at incredible speed—many millions of times a second.
The majority of microprocessors are used in embedded systems for mobile phonescars, military weapons, and home appliances. Some microprocessors are microcontrollers, so small and inexpensive that they are used to control very simple products like flashlights and greeting cards that play music when you open them. A few especially powerful microprocessors are used in personal computers.

Microprocessor operation
Like other Central processing units, microprocessors use three steps commonly called Fetch, Decode, and Execute.
·        Fetch step
-      an instruction copied from the computer memory into the microprocessor.

·        Decode step
-      the microprocessor figures out what operation the instruction is meant to do.

·        Execute step
-      this operation is performed.

Operations can be very simple, like adding two numbers, or complicated, like copying a series of letters and numbers (called a string) from one place in the computer's memory to a different place.

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